
Welcome to Year R

Reception Class Photo


Mrs Deboo - Class Teacher (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday)

Mrs Wynne - Class Teacher (Thursday and Friday) and SENDCO

Mrs Todd - Learning Support Assistant

Mr Heiford - Learning Support Assistant



Please click here to access the Year R Welcome Meeting Presentation


Please click on the icons below to see what the children have been doing in Year R recently. 

Visit to St Philip Howard

During RE, the children have been learning about the different places of worship people go to to celebrate their faiths. In preparation for attending our first school Mass during Advent, Canon John hosted us for a visit at St Philip Howard Catholic Church. We were able to explore the church and learn about God's house, listen to some music and listen to Canon John talk to us about the Mass and the different jobs people have during the celebration. Some of us even got to Role play as a priest, alter server and reader. We were even treated to a biscuit and a drink in the hall like the parishioners get to do after Sunday Mass.